Experienced Internal Medicine & Cardiologist Physician Setting The Highest Standards In Medicolegal Consulting

The combination of experience, professionalism as well as impeachable moral and ethical standards is critical in medicolegal consulting. And with more than 20 years as a practicing internist, cardiologist and clinical researcher, Dr. Weston is uniquely suited to provide attorneys with the highest level of consultative medicolegal service.

Why Choose Dr. Patrick Weston?

Dr. Weston has more than 20 years of direct patient care, clinical practice experience, both in the hospital and in an outpatient care setting. As a published clinical researcher, he has contributed to advancing medical knowledge and understanding through authorship of a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as by conducting innovative clinical research trials.

He also has more than 15 years of experience advising and consulting for medical malpractice and personal injury attorneys, as well as years of experience providing medical insight and opinion in cases involving wrongful death, Workers Compensation, insurance disability, and Independent Medical Evaluations.

Expert Witness Testimony, Medicolegal Consultative Services

Medical Chart Reviews:  By working for both plaintiffs and defendants, Dr. Weston works to ensure both prudent and ethical adherence to medical standards while avoiding bias or preference.

Pre-Trial Consultation: By offering attorneys detailed and comprehensive insight and perspective on meaningful deviations from established standards of care that underpin the basis of medical malpractice cases, Dr. Weston is able to help attorneys streamline their efforts and minimize unnecessary use of valuable resources.

Depositions: Demeanor, credibility as well as clarity in communication are essential characteristics Dr. Weston has cultivated through years of experience participating in depositions and providing testimony

In-Court Testimony:  Meticulous planning and preparation, combined with clear communication and alignment with legal objectives have been key factors contributing to Dr. Weston’s success when working with legal counsel.

Contact Dr. Patrick Weston

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